viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

CD player

I was in the second year of my secondary education when I received as a gift my first music player, a cd player.  In that time, that gift changed my little life and I became and addict to listen music. Suddenly, I stopped paying attention to my teachers and partners from the school, I no longer did a family life, and I turn myself into a hermit, a lonely one.

But I didn't care. I enjoyed those moments of solitude, I had a great time just my and my brain and I learned a lot of stuff because in my loneliness I used to read and learn from anywhere.

The problem was that I left my friends and I practically dissapeared from the streets. But they knew me and waited and no problem.

The bad quality of the CD player just let me enjoy that solitude for a pair of months until it broke. But it was a excelent time.

2 comentarios:

  1. hey! It remembers me that I have one stored in a box haha, but it seems don't working, I'd to check it. Listen music from there in these years was great.


  2. Ajajaj Old times! i still rememeber my first tape player, a philips cassete player.
    I used to spend a lot of time hearing music, anywere.

