My father has a habit that I never could understood at my infancy. As many of habits, was presented to my in the form of a law, a law that I had to obey by force. So, obviously, wasn't a major concern to me. "Do not throw that to the floor", "Pick up that garbage", "keep it in your pocket". The opposite to fun for a kid. But now I have another perspective, I like see the things clean: clean mountain, clean beach, clean street, clean market. If not all is a general mess. Of course, we can mess our personal lives at all, nobody cares -our own houses, our own becoming- but the common space, the physical and interpersonal, has to be clean,or it will be all a confusion.
Now I'm a clean people. I learned the lessons from my father and now I care about the dirtiness that I provoke. I don't do recycling, but I have a clean bike. I'm not registered in a eco-organisations, but I don't use the products of big companies that cause the most contamination of the world. My carbon footprint is low because of my vegetarianism, that allow me to evade the industries that emit the most of the carbon footprint in the world.

In general terms, I'm a clean person. I don't have big hopes in this planet, surely there are better ones. But I don't accept personal interests -as laziness, or profit- as an argument to justify the general contamination.
Vegetarianism is a good option to take care of the planet! : )
ResponderEliminarTwo of my best friends are vegetarians. Is a good choice for save the planet.
ResponderEliminarIs very import been clean. Because is the space that we occupied in this world, and we need take care of this.
ResponderEliminarChinoy, your are my favourite vegetarian, follow this way :D