At the age of eleven, an
unfortunate series of event forced me to leave my childhood behind. It’s a long
story and I will not going into all the details, but one of this events it’s
directly related to a gift that I received as a child.
I’m talking about my first bike,
a beautiful red bike, surely the best present that any child can received, a
wonderfull gift that my parents gave my for christmas, but which I couldn’t
enjoy for much time.
The first days of January, just a
few weeks after christmas, I decided to go out on a short ride with my Little
brother. It was a beautiful scene. My younger brother in his little bike, and
I, as a guardian, the child in charge, beside him, in my big red bike, my
precious mountain bike.
The dogs barked nonsense in the
villa, the birds sang his melodies, my brother and I with the wind in our child
faces, and, suddenly, an unexpected situation brought us down, direct to
reality: a stranger old man came from behind me and put a knife in my neck.
I was petrified. Obviously I gave
him my bike at the moment and he escaped riding my beloved red mountain bike
for the thin street. I still remember his way of pedalling and the crying eyes
of my little brother.
After that, I returned to my home
frustrated but assuming the adversity with courage, without crying, trying to
look strong to my brother. But my mother, without knowing the details and
thinking that I made a foolishness, gave me a long sermon. And the tears